About Shannon Haddock

Posts by Shannon Haddock:


Five star reviews — Abigail Abernathy: All-Night Analytical Engine Analyst by T. R. Goodman

Posted by Shannon Haddock on January 11, 2015 in Reviews |

The description, via Goodreads:


All Abigail Abernathy wants is a respectable job where she can put her knowledge of analytical engines to use. The Royel Trading Company of Bristol provides her with just such an opportunity, but not everyone is pleased to have her aboard. Between incompetent management, clients helpless beyond her imagination, and a disgruntled former analytical engine analyst who will stop at nothing to take back the job she unknowingly took from him, will her credulity, not to mention her sanity, be up to the task? It’s going to be a long night.

Abigail Abernathy: All-Night Analytical Engine Analyst is a steampunk short story about 5,000 words in length.

And my review:

This was a very interesting little story. The setting was believably Victorian with the social norms of that period accurately portrayed. The characters were all unique and . . . well, likeable is probably the wrong word for one, but I guess he was likeable as a character, if not as a person. The plot was intriguing, and certainly not quite what I was expecting from the beginning. But perhaps the best part were the problems she had to deal with that weren’t related to the main plot, problems that I’m pretty sure anyone who’s ever worked in tech support or similar, or knows anyone who has and has heard them ranting, can identify with . . . except steampunk era style.

There’s not really much else I can say about this story, since it was only 5000 words.  One of these days I’ll get around to buying and reading it’s sequel.



Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from criticism

Posted by Shannon Haddock on January 8, 2015 in Uncategorized |

I had another post I was working on for tonight, but I saw this on twitter and it seemed far more important than my blatherings about the different definitions of space opera. Now, I admit, my French isn’t up to translating the cartoons, nor do I know enough about French or Muslim culture to know just […]


Drabbles: Lance and Jasmine

Posted by Shannon Haddock on January 2, 2015 in Short stories |

A drabble is a story of exactly one hundred words. I think these stand alone fine, but if I’m wrong, just ask me about what’s confused you. I make no promise these are great.  They were written years ago as an experiment, and because of the exactly one hundred words stipulation they’re a bitch to […]


The plan for this year

Posted by Shannon Haddock on January 1, 2015 in No More Lies, Once A Hero Always A Hero, Short stories, Writing process |

So, 2014 is over.  I edited and published a novelette with an attached short story.  I very heavily revised, changing such intrinsic things as POV, and republished a short story.  I finished and started editing a novel.  I pieced together three semi-related vignettes into a short story and started editing it.  I edited a novel […]


Does it matter who I am?

Posted by Shannon Haddock on December 31, 2014 in Rants |

I keep seeing people saying things like “I just can’t watch The Cosby Show any more now that I know Bill Cosby sexually assaulted all those women!”*  and “I can’t watch Firefly any more now that I know that Adam Baldwin is so ((insert various terms here, as he is not shy about stating his opinions regardless […]


Intertwined Lives Excerpt and Update

Posted by Shannon Haddock on December 18, 2014 in Intertwined Lives, Writing process |

This was supposed to be my WIP list post, but since all I’ve worked on since the last one is Intertwined Lives that seemed kind of daft to bother with.  Intertwined Lives is now 34,442 words.  I’m two weeks into a plot that will cover two years.  I’m pretty sure I’m looking at a George R. R. […]



Five star reviews — Tsar Wars (Agents of ISIS #1) by Stephen Goldin

Posted by Shannon Haddock on December 11, 2014 in Reviews |

This is a book I read because the sample made me want to know more about the setting, the characters, and just what the heck was going on. Also, the series title seems a bit unfortunate now.  This is space opera with no connection to any real world groups, so nobody judge me or the author […]



Short story: Talen

Posted by Shannon Haddock on December 1, 2014 in Short stories |

This one is rather unusual in that I know not just what inspired it, but the precise moment that it started forming in my head.  I was reading Elizabeth McCoy’s Queen of Roses and encountered the phrase “robot autopsy”.  Pretty much immediately I saw the scene with Ren ripping out hunks of Talen’s innards, followed quickly […]

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Why I failed Nanowrimo, and how I’ll be doing things going forward

Posted by Shannon Haddock on November 30, 2014 in Jake's Last Mission, NaNoWriMo, Writing process |

I failed at Nanowrimo this year, but I’m okay with this. There are reasons I could have failed that I wouldn’t be okay with, things that would boil down to just laziness, but that wasn’t the case this time.  True, there may have been a day or two in there where I played around on […]

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How Do You Choose What To Read?

Posted by Shannon Haddock on November 20, 2014 in GI Joe praise, InCryptid praise, Kingkiller Chronicles praise |

As part of learning how best to market my books, I’ve read many things that purport to tell how people choose books.  The fact that none of these reports, blogs, etc. say the same thing makes all of them a bit suspect, to my mind.  The one I remember clearest right now said that a […]

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