About Shannon Haddock

Posts by Shannon Haddock:


This is another post that supposed to help me gain followers or something

Posted by Shannon Haddock on January 23, 2017 in Jake's Last Mission, Rants, Uncategorized, Writing process |

The suggestion for what to blog about is “Write an article highlighting one of your Pinterest boards and explain how and why you use it”.  I do, in fact, have a Pinterest account.  I even have boards for a couple of my books.

So, here, have a look at my board for the cleverly titled Jake’s Last Mission, Rewrite:

So, as should be pretty obvious at a glance, I mostly use it for pictures of people.  (Yes, I’m one of those horrible “amateur” authors who bases what characters look like on real people.  Except that’s only sometimes true.  Other times I find someone who looks like I picture a character and use pictures of them to keep my descriptions consistent across time.  Also, L. M. Montgomery possibly based what Anne Shirley looked like on Mary Pickford, so there’s a historical basis for awesome authors doing this.  If that’s true, anyway.  Also, I don’t give a fuck if it’s professional or not.  It helps me, and that’s all that matters, right?)

The thing is . . . I already have pictures of these people on my computer, in the wonderfully titled folder “Character Portraits To Move Where They Go Someday”.  (It’s an almost three-year-old folder.  Someday is apparently in the far future.)

So how and I why do I use Pinterest?  To procrastinate but feel like I’m actually doing something useful, as I strongly suspect is the case for most authors using it.  It has been useful during rpg sessions because it meant I didn’t have to, in the example that comes most readily to mind, dig through my poorly organized computer and thumb drives looking for pictures of traditional Norwegian Christmas cookies . . . and having that picture to hand, with multiple cookies in it, led to a months-long subplot of a somewhat insane eight-year-old trying to start a revolution to overthrow adults because they were “unfairly keeping us from the cookies and other baked goods” after she’d been denied permission to have as many as she wanted.  (When four of the people you consider parents, four siblings, and one uncle are or have been part of a rebels-for-hire group, you grow up with interesting notions of how to deal with injustice.  Especially when your genetics are part Proud Warrior Race Guy and part “no one knows if it was genetic engineering, deliberate selective breeding, or divine creation or blessing, but our family have been brilliant swordsmen and military leaders for at least five hundred years” and your grandfather is an Asatru priest.)  So that was useful.  But when I’m writing?  I don’t think I’ve ever referenced one of my Pinterest boards.

And, once again, it looks like the interesting part of the post was when I wandered off the actual topic I was supposed to be blogging about.  Am I really bad at this self-promotion thing, or are these topics really bad for actually generating interest?  Or is it a little of both?

And, for the curious, Valerie looks like Lena Olin, Jake looks like Jeff Bridges, and Quirino looks like Donald Sutherland.  But you are, of course, free to picture them any way you want.



Things I Have Said To Myself Or The Manuscript While Revising Today

Posted by Shannon Haddock on January 19, 2017 in Uncategorized |

Enjoy this look into my brain.  And, yes, I said all of these aloud.  The cat and I are the only ones here.  What I said to her is a million variants of “Not now, Bella!”.: “Why is he pausing there?!” “I need a name.  Wait.  I have a list of names . . . […]


Future Story Ideas . . . At Least, That’s What It Was Supposed To Be About

Posted by Shannon Haddock on January 18, 2017 in Rants, Writing process |

Welcome to a new, (supposedly) regular feature of this blog where I go through a list of some “things for writers to blog about”.  Sometimes I will, amazingly enough, actually be blogging about whatever the suggested topic is instead of snarking about it! Today is not one of those days, however. Today’s topic — as […]


Anyone interested in being a beta reader?

Posted by Shannon Haddock on January 17, 2017 in No More Lies, Rants, Writing process |

I want more people’s opinions on the-gods-please-let-this-be-the-final-draft of No More Lies. I know there are a million writer hangouts online where I can ask, but all of those have the expectation that I’ll also beta read the other guys’ stuff and, quite frankly, I don’t have the temperament to be a good beta reader . . […]


Why I Write, And Some Stuff About Sales And Money And Shit Like That

Posted by Shannon Haddock on December 31, 2016 in Uncategorized |

I recently tabulated how many copies of my books have sold and been given away freely across all sales channels in the entire time they’ve been out . . . and how much money I’ve made. There seems to be an unwritten code amongst poorly selling self-published authors that we don’t talk about the money.  […]


Pretend It Says Something Clever Here

Posted by Shannon Haddock on December 23, 2016 in Uncategorized |

Just because you don’t want your hero to have a peaceful walk through the woods every time doesn’t mean every single time he enters them he should end up up a tree, that’s on fire, with wolves surrounding the base of it. For the less metaphorically minded, I’m saying give your characters a break every […]


Help Me Make A Decision

Posted by Shannon Haddock on December 14, 2016 in Uncategorized |

I have a secret project up my sleeve.  For this secret project, I need to have one of my longer stories fully revised and edited and all that fun stuff in the next month or so. These are the ones that are completed but not yet published.  Please either comment to tell me which one you […]


Ways To Get Me To Not Buy Your Book

Posted by Shannon Haddock on December 10, 2016 in Rants, World building stuff |

All of these are prompted by things I have really seen or behavior I have really seen authors engage in. Have very basic grammar and spelling errors in your blurb.  I hate that this even has to be said.  If you can’t write a blurb without fucking up stuff I learned in fourth grade, then […]


I Have Nothing Clever To Call This One

Posted by Shannon Haddock on December 8, 2016 in Rants |

If you’re following me anywhere just because I’m another self-published author, unfollow me, please.  I don’t give a flying fuck how many followers I have . . . because I’m intelligent enough to realize that followers do not necessarily translate into sales.  If you started following me for that reason and have since fallen in […]


Why Does It Take Me So Long To Realize Things?!

Posted by Shannon Haddock on November 18, 2016 in Jake's Last Mission, Short stories, Writing process |

WARNING:  AUTHOR IS OVER-CAFFEINATED AND THEREFORE EVEN MORE RAMBLY THAN USUAL.  THE AUTHOR ASKS YOUR FORGIVENESS FOR ANY LONG-WINDED TANGENTS SHE MAY GO OFF ON. Today I was participating in a thread on the NaNoWriMo forums and had a sudden realization.  (Yes, I’m participating this year.  Yes, I know I wrote a whole blogpost last […]

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