About Shannon Haddock

Posts by Shannon Haddock:


Cross-posted from my personal Facebook page

Posted by Shannon Haddock on November 10, 2016 in Uncategorized |

I’m not going to bother with editing this to make it relevant to here.  I just need to make some things clear everywhere I can right now.  The last paragraph applies to anyone reading this blog too.

I believe whole-heartedly in freedom of speech. I think it’s, possibly, the most important freedom we have. That said, I’ve come to realize that along with your freedom to say things is my freedom not to listen to them.

So, I’ve started unfollowing people who continuously post things that are hurtful to others. I’ve got a dark and twisted sense of humor; I can usually tell when something is intended as a joke. But there are lines, and I’m seeing them crossed a lot lately. So, from now on, I don’t give a fuck who you are. If you cross those lines, bye bye.
This isn’t censorship. That’s when the government takes away your right to express yourself. And if they try that, I’ll be right by your side protesting it . . . even if you’re the goddamned KKK. Because you have the right to express your opinion, even if it is fucking stupid and hateful.
I know: I’m just a liberal crybaby who needs to grow up and quit being a special snowflake. No. There are some people out there who do get furious over nothing, on all sides of any issue. This isn’t that. This is . . . I’ve been avoiding Facebook for most of a year because I couldn’t handle the number of times I was seeing people who held opinions I hold insulted.
I could try arguing. Believe me, I could definitely try arguing. I’ve been told that the difference between arguing with me and arguing with a brick wall is that it will give in sooner — apparently this wasn’t a compliment, by the way. But I have better things to do with my time than try to change people’s mind on fucking Facebook. My stories don’t write or edit themselves, no matter how much I wish they would.
Also, in light of present events, I feel it’s probably a good time to reiterate exactly who I am . . . with a change since the last time, that I’m not going to discuss. Who I am hasn’t changed; I just finally found a word for it. I’m a polyamorous, nonbinary (though feel free to keep using she and her, because I don’t give a fuck about pronouns), bisexual, democratic socialist, pagan (not Wiccan; please don’t call me Wiccan!), space opera author. If you have a problem with any of those things, unfriend me, and get the fuck out of my life.


More reasons to think the creative writing course I took was horrible

Posted by Shannon Haddock on October 15, 2016 in Rants |

Back in this post last year, I talked about the creative writing course I took in college and why I hated it so much.  Today while doing some cleaning I came across the copies of the fucking story the professor and everyone hated so much that they’d marked up.  And that sentence could probably be phrased better, […]


Neil Gaiman Quote

Posted by Shannon Haddock on October 8, 2016 in Uncategorized |

I’d just typed a long, rambling blogpost, only to find this while looking for a different quote, that sums up what I’d said much more succinctly.  This is probably why he’s a Hugo winner, and I can’t even give away some of my books. “Fiction can show you a different world. It can take you […]


Short Story: Desperate Measures

Posted by Shannon Haddock on September 29, 2016 in Jake's Last Mission, Short stories |

I wrote this over a year ago and very shortly after that ran out of decently paying markets that might accept it, so I’m not sure why I haven’t posted it yet. Anyway, the idea for this one come from me getting ticked at a character being stupid in something I was reading and amusing […]

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What IS Space Opera?!

Posted by Shannon Haddock on September 29, 2016 in Uncategorized |

I was trying to write a blogpost griping about two plots I see far too often in space opera published in the past several years, and praising a Mike Resnick book I just finished for being so very, very different than those plots.  I hit a snag.  A very, very big snag:  I needed to […]



Dumb Writing Exercises

Posted by Shannon Haddock on August 5, 2016 in Rants |

At the library a while back I picked up a writing book purely because its cover was interesting.  (Highly scientific methodology for choosing what to read, I know.)  The book had an interview with GRRM that made clear the interviewer wasn’t paying attention to a damned thing the man said, some strange essays including one arguing that […]


What I’ve Been Reading And How It Disproves Some Common Self-Pubbing Wisdom

Posted by Shannon Haddock on July 3, 2016 in InCryptid praise, Kingkiller Chronicles praise, Rants |

(Damn, am I good at short and pithy titles or what?) Long story short, I live in a place that is not exactly conducive to either reading or writing. To somewhat mitigate the negative effect this has on my sanity, I’ve been spending a couple of afternoons a week at the library. Now, was my […]


The Creative Process

Posted by Shannon Haddock on June 12, 2016 in Jake's Last Mission, Writing process |

Clean cut looking ship’s captain, looking at Jake critically:  How old are you, son?  Standard years, not local. Jake, fourteen Earth years old, slightly shaggy shoulder length red hair:  Seven, give or take a bit. First dude, looking a bit disappointed and shaking his head:  I’m sorry, but I can’t take you on.  You’re . […]


Quotes From No More Lies That Amuse Me

Posted by Shannon Haddock on June 2, 2016 in No More Lies |

I know some people interpret that “Kill your darlings” bit of author advice to mean you should ruthlessly delete every bit you really love, but I think that’s daft.  So these lines are almost definitely staying.  I also think that sharing these lines with no context can’t possibly hurt any potential future sales.  So, enjoy.: […]


Finally free on Amazon!

Posted by Shannon Haddock on March 8, 2016 in Once A Hero Always A Hero, Short stories |

At long last, my first published work, “Once A Hero, Always A Hero”, a short story about two retired badasses turned bar owners who are trying to complete a business deal and end up having to save a whole society, is free in Kindle format! Click here to get it!

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