About Shannon Haddock

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How my reading plan for 2015 fared

Posted by Shannon Haddock on November 19, 2015 in Uncategorized |

In a moment of being extremely OCD last year, I started writing reading plans . . . lists of books I was going to be reading on specific days, like so:


Monday:  Classic SF:  Book B

Tuesday:  Rereads:  Book C

and so on, with the last list being non-fiction that I could read whenever I wanted to.

I kept this up even after realizing it was a dumb idea.  With the iteration I made in January, I gave myself permission to not stick to the plan.  Seriously, it said so on the plan.

Eventually, I realized this was a rather stupid thing to do.

So, how much progress did I make through this list of 45 books?

Not much, it turns out:

In the books I was going to review list, I read one, didn’t finish a second, and am still reading a third.

In  the classic science fiction list, I misplaced one book and never started the others.

In the rereads list, I never got past page, like, 30, in the first one.

In the classic fantasy list, I forgot I was reading the first one and never read the rest.

In the Forgotten Realms list — yes, my favorite fantasy setting got it’s own day — oh, that’s kind of neat.  Totally forgetting about this list, I started reading the first thing on this list a couple of weeks ago.

In the Anne/Little House list, I forgot I was re-reading Anne of Avonlea and never started the others.  Also, I discovered I could probably do with a new copy of Anne of Avonlea.  The one I’ve had for about twenty-five years is not in very good shape.  Hard to read a book when you’re worried about the pages falling out and/or crumbling.

In the fantasy list, I didn’t finish the first book and, you guessed it, never started the rest.

In the “other” list, I misplaced the first book and . . . yeah, never started the rest.

In the non-fiction list, I quit reading the first and will start it again sometime when I can concentrate on just it.  I, yep, never started the rest.

So what did I read this year?  (ignoring the fact that there’s still a month left in the year :P)

Not much, honestly.  At least, not many books.  I read lots of samples and excerpts, adding lots of books to my “to read” list.  I read most of the original GI Joe Real American Hero issues and every new issue to come out this year.  I read all of Dumbing of Age early in the year and have kept up with it since.  I continued religiously reading Questionable Content, and re-read it from the very beginning at one point (or that might’ve been at the end of last year, I can’t recall).  For several months I regularly read a couple of royal fashion blogs I’d been reading for years, until I decided my morning list of websites to check had gotten too time consuming and, well, they were the least interesting so they were what I cut.  I’ve also read lots of various news articles, blogposts, interviews, Twitter conversations, Facebook posts, bits and pieces of rpg books, some fanfic, etc.  This is why next year I won’t be doing the Reading Challenge thing on Goodreads.  It’s depressing to spend as much time as I do reading and see “28 out of 100” for how many books I’ve read this year.  Yeah, so maybe I have only read 28 whole books, but what about those five short stories that didn’t have entries?  That 70,000 word Doctor Who/GI Joe crossover fanfic that I really want the author to finish?  That almost novella length work-in-progress of Jaye’s?  That awesome blogpost by an author I love that was longer than most short stories?  That one issue of Uncanny X-Men I re-read on a whim?  That webcomic I read from beginning to end?  All those books I read the samples of but couldn’t afford right then?  It’s dumb for those not to count as things I’ve read.


Some rambly thoughts on treating writing like any other job and the American work ethic

Posted by Shannon Haddock on November 16, 2015 in Rants, Writing process |

WARNING:  I get political in this one.  I’m not willing to argue politics, so if you’re of the opinion that the American work ethic is obviously the best thing in the universe, just stop reading here and save us both a headache, please?  Also, I’m not willing to debate the existence of talent, or the […]


NaNoWriMo Starts Tomorrow

Posted by Shannon Haddock on October 31, 2015 in Uncategorized |

And I’m a little sad not to be doing it.  I know I wrote a whole blogpost about why I’m not doing it, but still, I miss it.  I miss the competitiveness of it all mostly, I think.  The competition with myself mostly, the trying to beat my last five minute word war word count […]

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Long term writing updates

I was looking through some old blogposts, on a different site so don’t go looking for them here, that were writing related updates.  I thought it could be amusing/interesting to revisit these old updates and see what became of these stories.  And then I decided to do the same to one from here from last […]


The Hardest Part of Writing A Novel . . .

Posted by Shannon Haddock on October 26, 2015 in Rants, Writing process |

. . . is coming up with fucking titles! Synopsis of story (as planned, details will, of course, change):  Quinn is a middle-aged ladies’ man.  Renata is one of his closest friends and occasional bedmate.  He’s fallen in love with her.  Not lust, not infatuation, love.  He doesn’t want to admit this.  He feels he’s too […]



Posted by Shannon Haddock on October 18, 2015 in No More Lies, Writing process |

I just solved a plot problem in No More Lies that’s been bothering me since late 2013 when I wrote the first draft of the section I’m currently revising!  I’ve known since pretty much when I wrote it that the section would need drastic cuts . . . one of those times when an idea works much better […]


Why my characters swear so damned much

Posted by Shannon Haddock on October 5, 2015 in Crown of Eldrete, No More Lies, Rants |

(The title is the first way I thought of titling this post and was too perfect to not use.) I’d never really thought about how much swearing there is in my books until it was pointed out in a review.  The review said that Lyndsey “likes to swear”.  This struck me as an odd statement.  I […]


“Aaaaugh! Stop saying the word!”

Posted by Shannon Haddock on October 3, 2015 in Rants |

  Today I was reading a review blog that I generally like, but used to like a lot more than I do now.  There are various reasons for this, but the one that prompted this blogpost is that the blogger puts things like this:  “The original text contains the use of the words “mad” and […]


Fuck you, Microsoft Word

Posted by Shannon Haddock on October 2, 2015 in Uncategorized |

Microsoft Word fucking hates me. I’ve long suspected this; today, I have proof. I noticed a couple of places in a short story I was about to submit where, for no apparent reason, there were smart quotes instead of boring ass quotes.  (Well, I think I know the reason for some:  I forgot to turn […]


What I’m currently reading . . . sort of

Posted by Shannon Haddock on September 30, 2015 in InCryptid praise, Reviews |

I was just reading a mostly abysmal list of blog topics for writers (seriously, would anyone be interested in knowing what I’d say to Mark Zuckerberg about Facebook if I was alone with him for 5 minutes?  Is this really a topic readers care about?!) and one actually jumped out at me:  What books are […]

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