About Shannon Haddock

Posts by Shannon Haddock:


Help, please?

Posted by Shannon Haddock on July 29, 2015 in Uncategorized |

I hate to beg like this, but our options are drying up for funding a move that could drastically improve our lives, so if you can contribute, please do so:  http://www.gofundme.com/4m4vfkub4


Sorry about the lack of posts

Posted by Shannon Haddock on July 7, 2015 in Uncategorized |

Had a very bad week last week.  Have a broken metacarpal, so typing is a bitch.  Will try to at least do a book review this week.  If I don’t post anything else soon, assume I’ve finally snapped and killed someone for being incredibly stupid.  My tolerance for certain sorts of stupidity is insanely thin […]


Five Star Reviews — Project HALFSHEEP: Or How the Agency’s Alien Got High by Susan Hasler

Posted by Shannon Haddock on June 24, 2015 in Reviews |

This is a book I had to read as part of a review exchange.  It was on my “to read” list before that though because it sounded quirky and fun.  It was, but it was also a lot deeper than I’d expected. This also is not the work I expected to be doing a post about […]


Using Your Senses, Or Not

Posted by Shannon Haddock on June 16, 2015 in Rants, Writing process |

This is something I’ve thought about before but never figured out how to articulate. It’s a nice contrast to the advice I keep seeing that says you have to use every sense in every scene.  No, really, you don’t.  Do you always notice what all five senses are experiencing at every moment?  I only do […]


Five Star Reviews — Flint by Louis L’Amour

Posted by Shannon Haddock on June 15, 2015 in Reviews |

I’d tried to read some Louis L’Amour novels ages ago, and they hadn’t kept my interest enough for me to finish them.  A few years ago I somehow ended up reading an excerpt from one of his Sackett novels and immediately fell in love with his way with words. The description, via Goodreads: He left the […]



In defense of fun

(I’m listening to a song featuring the lead singer of Nickelback  as I start writing this, appropriately.  If you don’t get the connection, just say the name “Nickelback” to the nearest music geek and watch their head explode.  And now I’m listening to Taylor Swift.  I swear I wasn’t planning this!) The blog post I linked to […]


Breakthrough in understanding ancient hairdos

Posted by Shannon Haddock on June 7, 2015 in Uncategorized |

This has nothing to do with writing or my stories.  Shit, it doesn’t even have anything to do with my real life, as my own hair is always either down or in what can, with suitable stretching of the words, be called a bun or ponytail.  But I thought it was really cool, and, well, lots […]


This is brilliant, and should be required reading for all geeks

Posted by Shannon Haddock on June 7, 2015 in Uncategorized |

Especially those who write. My favorite part was this, near the end, especially the last line (which may be the launching point for a blogpost later today, depending on whether or not I can make it more coherent than it currently is): I suppose some people might equate what I’m saying with blind reverence for […]


Where do these writing rules come from?!

Posted by Shannon Haddock on June 6, 2015 in Rants, Uncategorized |

I decided to try to “workshop” the first paragraph of No More Lies, mostly out of curiosity, and because I was a little uncertain about one line.  The last time I did something like this, all I got was something about how I didn’t need to italicize the character’s direct thoughts.  This time though . . […]

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I’m back!

Posted by Shannon Haddock on June 4, 2015 in Uncategorized |

Sorry about taking May off from my regular posts.  It wasn’t intentional.  The one on the 14th got lost after I spent twenty minutes getting it Just So, so I gave up on it; and then, well, it’s a long story involving a malfunctioning shift key, a couple of time sucking iOS games, sinus problems, PMS […]

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