Bragging A Bit

Posted by Shannon Haddock on February 3, 2017 in Uncategorized |

Jake’s Last Mission, which I’m sure most of you have realized by now I consider the best of my published works, is presently #84 on Amazon’s Top Free Kindle Space Opera list.  Also on that list are books by E. E. “Doc” Smith, Andre Norton, Edgar Rice Burroughs, M. C. A. Hogarth, and Eric Flint.  Okay, they’re all above my book, but I don’t care.  I’m on the same best-seller list as five of my favorite authors!

JLM is also #90 on the military science fiction list.  There it’s in the company of books by David Weber, John Ringo, David Drake (ahead of one of his!), and Michael Z. Williamson (also ahead of his . . . which is right and proper as I’ve tried to read the book in question repeatedly and never finished it.).  None of them are authors I’m particularly fond of (well, like Weber’s fantasy, but I can’t get into the Honorverse books for some reason), but I’m sure they’re authors every sf fan has heard of, so it’s still awesome to be on the same list as them.

JLM is also #92 on the 65 to 100 pages, Science Fiction and Fantasy list.  There it’s in the company of H. G. Wells!  The first sci-fi novel I ever read — unless you count TSR Endless Quest books — was The War of the Worlds, so he holds a very special place in my heart.

(I know a lot of trad published authors say Amazon lists don’t count; I don’t give a fuck what they think.  Their goals and my goals aren’t the same.  If they were, I’d be writing novels instead of mostly novellas and doing the whole submitting to publishers and getting rejection after rejection thing.)

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