Why I don’t think highly of creative writing courses

Posted by Shannon Haddock on September 23, 2015 in Rants |

“You can’t learn to write in college.  It’s a very bad place for writers because the teachers always think they know more than you do — and they don’t.  They have prejudices.” — Ray Bradbury I stumbled upon that quote today, and it made me realize that I had never written about my horrid experience […]


Using Your Senses, Or Not

Posted by Shannon Haddock on June 16, 2015 in Rants, Writing process |

This is something I’ve thought about before but never figured out how to articulate. It’s a nice contrast to the advice I keep seeing that says you have to use every sense in every scene.  No, really, you don’t.  Do you always notice what all five senses are experiencing at every moment?  I only do […]


In defense of fun

(I’m listening to a song featuring the lead singer of Nickelback  as I start writing this, appropriately.  If you don’t get the connection, just say the name “Nickelback” to the nearest music geek and watch their head explode.  And now I’m listening to Taylor Swift.  I swear I wasn’t planning this!) The blog post I linked to […]


Where do these writing rules come from?!

Posted by Shannon Haddock on June 6, 2015 in Rants, Uncategorized |

I decided to try to “workshop” the first paragraph of No More Lies, mostly out of curiosity, and because I was a little uncertain about one line.  The last time I did something like this, all I got was something about how I didn’t need to italicize the character’s direct thoughts.  This time though . . […]

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The author is not your bitch

Posted by Shannon Haddock on April 26, 2015 in Rants |

The fans are all upset. They’re always going to be upset. Why did he do it like this? And why didn’t he do it like this? They write their own movie, and then, if you don’t do their movie, they get upset about it. George Lucas On Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal […]

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Diversity in SF

Posted by Shannon Haddock on April 5, 2015 in Rants |

For those of you reading this who may not know it, there’s been a big deal made in the past few years over diversity in science fiction and fantasy, both in the authors and in the characters. It confuses the fuck out of me that this needs to be an issue.  SF is about possibilities, […]

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The purpose of character deaths

Posted by Shannon Haddock on January 24, 2015 in Rants |

I was just, against my better judgement, perusing the forum of a webcomic I’ve been reading for years that’s presently got a really dramatic thing going on.  I stumbled on a phrase that pisses me off beyond all reason:  “if he’s willing to kill a character.” Why does this piss me off so much?  It’s, […]


Does it matter who I am?

Posted by Shannon Haddock on December 31, 2014 in Rants |

I keep seeing people saying things like “I just can’t watch The Cosby Show any more now that I know Bill Cosby sexually assaulted all those women!”*  and “I can’t watch Firefly any more now that I know that Adam Baldwin is so ((insert various terms here, as he is not shy about stating his opinions regardless […]


Can we quit saving the universe all the time, please?

Posted by Shannon Haddock on November 6, 2014 in Firefly praise, Rants |

In an interesting bit of serendipity, I read a wonderful short story recently, “Freedom, Spiced and Drunk” by M.C.A. Hogarth, that provides a wonderful example of what I was planning to talk about today. Today’s topic is:  Not every sf/f story needs to be about saving the world/galaxy/universe. I know this should be bloody obvious, but […]


Characters, how to make them, and how not to

Posted by Shannon Haddock on October 26, 2014 in Jake's Last Mission, NaNoWriMo, Rants, Writing process |

This is one of those posts that’s probably not going to be very interesting to non-authors.  Sorry about that. What’s your character’s favorite color?  His favorite song?  His favorite piece of clothing?  Describe his first kiss. Describe his first sexual experience.  Who is his hero? These questions look familiar to any other authors reading this?  […]

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