Character Interview: Jake

Posted by Shannon Haddock on March 22, 2017 in Jake Becomes Mithoska |

On that list of blogposts — and recommended all over the damned place for all kinds of reasons — is character interviews.  So, because I’m enough over this cold from hell to manage snarky quips, but not enough to manage actual fiction or blog writing, I’m going to interview Jake.

Please do tell me if this manages to make you interested in the book.  I can sort of see how that might work, but I really, really don’t get how these thingies are supposed to be helpful before I write.

Questions stolen from here.

This is Jake circa Jake Becomes Mithoska, because it’s what was on my mind.

What is your age?

Forty-one, almost forty-two.

Do you have any siblings?


Are your parents alive?  Are they married?  Are they divorced?

Nope.  Momma died when I was little more than a baby; Daddy died when I was about ten.

If you were sent to a deserted island, what three things would you take?

Why have I been sent to a deserted island?  A deserted island on what planet?  This is really weird question.  Is this one of those psychological things that’s supposed to give you some sort of insight into how my mind works?  Well, guess I’ll answer it anyway:  my wife, my youngest kid cuz she ain’t old enough to be on her own yet, and my ship . . . which means I won’t be stuck on that island for long.

Do you have a hidden talent?

My wife will hit me if I answer that the way I want to.

Do you have a habit you wish you could break?


What features do you like the most about yourself?

My hair gets lot of attention from ladies, so I guess it.

What features do you dislike the most about yourself?

Does my temper count as a feature?  It’s gotten me in a shitton of trouble in my life.

Do you have a hobby?

If you were to ask my wife, she’d say annoying her.

Come to think of it, if you asked my closest friend, she’d say annoying her too.  Huh.

Do you have a guilty pleasure?

If I felt guilty about it, I wouldn’t be doing it.

What kind of music do you like?

I’m not that picky.  Not technophonic.  ((Technophonic is what happens if you combine the worst of techno, disco, and electronica.))

What is your biggest pet peeve?

People wasting my fucking time.

And incompetence.

What is your favorite food?

Pretty much anything my wife cooks.

Do you have a passion and, if so, what?

You really want me to get hit by my wife, don’t you?

Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert?

Never really thought about it.  Extrovert, I guess.

What is your idea of a perfect day?

I’m serious:  my wife is gonna hit me if I answer some of these questions in public.

Who is your favorite author?

Don’t really have one.

What would be the first thing on your bucket list?

I don’t understand the concept.  You never know when you’re gonna die, so it makes more sense to me to make the most of each moment instead of having some goddamned list you’re trying to complete.

If I asked you to write an entry in your journal, what would it be about?

Nothing, because I wouldn’t do it.  I got too much going on to write a damned journal entry.

Tell me something no one else knows about you.

If no one else knows it, then what the fuck makes you think I’m gonna tell you?


Well, that was sort of fun.  Anyone really, really looking forward to reading the book now?  I certainly didn’t get any new insights into the character.

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