Help Me Make A Decision

Posted by Shannon Haddock on December 14, 2016 in Uncategorized |

I have a secret project up my sleeve.  For this secret project, I need to have one of my longer stories fully revised and edited and all that fun stuff in the next month or so.

These are the ones that are completed but not yet published.  Please either comment to tell me which one you are most interested in, or list the order you’d publish them if you were me (these are all, obviously, working titles):

  1. Jake’s Last Mission, Expanded:  Jake, commander of the Sweytzian Fleet, just wants to finish the patrol and retire.  Kristark, the new Emperor of the Mugdarans just wants the first bit of his reign to go smoothly.  One Mugdaran captain trying to restart a war both fought in as much younger men complicates both their lives.
  2. Jake Becomes Mithoska:  Jake just wants to go home.  He loves commanding a ship, but he hasn’t seen his wife, kids, grandkids, or dogs in way too long.  Suddenly, he finds himself in charge of the whole fleet, right as a war goes from bad to horrible.
  3. Quinn Love Story:  Quinn and Renata have been friends-with-benefits for years.  Then he moves in with her and her family out of necessity.  Can he work up the guts to tell her how he really feels before it’s too late?

OR should I wait until I’ve finished writing one of these?

  1. Renata and Viktor Love Story:  Renata is seventeen, the newest member of Darrien’s Daggers, and cocky as hell.  Viktor is twenty-three, recently widowed, and utterly devoted to his toddler daughter.  They fall in love.
  2. Zaphnell Story:  Zaphnell, a Dagger turned “perfectly honest merchant ship captain”, has a cargo hold full of some things some people want back.  Lyndsey and her uncle hire onto his crew in search of some adventure.
  3. Little House on Perlithis:  Jake is nine-years-old and his biggest goals in life are to get through a whole school year without getting in any fights and to convince his ranch hand father to quit spending so much money on him.

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