Progress Report

Posted by Shannon Haddock on March 14, 2015 in Writing process |

Instead of listing all my works-in-progress and getting depressed by how many I haven’t worked on in ages, this year I am instead updating how far I’ve come on the to do list I posted at the beginning of the year . . . with new items being added because I’m great at making plans, but suck at sticking to them.  Asterisks mark things added before this update, but after the initial list.

February went great on the editing front, but not so great on the writing front.  I edited 16,916 words of fiction and another 4,224 words of blog and Universal Nexus encyclopedia entries, for a total of 21,140 words edited.  Since my goal is 10 to 15,000, that’s awesome.  On the other hand, I only wrote 4,561 words.  My goal for that is also 10 to 15,000, so that’s much less awesome.

  • Edit my wife’s story she wants to submit to Queers Destroy Science Fiction, if she decides she wants to expand it.  DONE
  • Submit it for her.  DONE, REJECTED
  • Finish editing my own story for Queers Destroy Science Fiction.  DONE
  • Submit it.  DONE, REJECTED
  • *Edit Jake thingy inspired by annoying bit in book I was reading. DONE
  • *Submit it to Queers Destroy Science Fiction too, since it’s flash fiction instead of a short story.  DONE, REJECTED
  • CHANGED ITEM:  Alternate between writing MagiIntertwined Lives, and editing No More Lies, not becoming slavishly devoted to any one work, but keeping in mind and tracking my monthly word count goals.  UPDATE:  I’ve written 1785 words of Intertwined Lives since posting the last progress report.  Unfortunately, most of this was rewriting a badly written chapter.  I’ve decided to prioritize my fantasy novel-in-progress, Magi, over Blaughk on Earth as I think it’d be good for my brain to take a break from Universal Nexus occasionally.
  • *Maintain schedule of editing and posting a chapter of Intertwined Lives every Tuesday.  AM CONSIDERING SWITCHING TO EVERY OTHER TUESDAY INSTEAD AS MORE CHAPTERS THAN EXPECTED ARE REQUIRING DRASTIC REVISION.
  • *Once have enough word count/regular installments to do so, submit Intertwined Lives to webfictionguide.com.  DONE, AWAITING RESPONSE
  • NEW ITEM:  Submit Intertwined Lives to Muse’s Success.  DONE
  • *Remember to use the #TuesdaySerial hashtag on twitter when announcing each week’s chapter.  DID IT THE ONE TIME THE CHAPTER CAME OUT ON TIME SINCE LAST PROGRESS REPORT
  • NEW ITEM:  Submit Jake thingy to Clarkesworld.  DONE, REJECTED
  • NEW ITEM:  Submit wife’s story to Strange Horizons.  DONE, AWAITING RESPONSE
  • NEW ITEM:  Submit own story to Strange Horizons.  DONE, AWAITING RESPONSE
  • NEW ITEM:  Submit “The Traitor” (formerly known as “Jake thingy”) to Daily Science Fiction DONE, AWAITING RESPONSE
  • NEW ITEM:  If Strange Horizons rejects my story, submit it to Asimov’s.
  • Publish No More Lies.
  • Devote a month to marketing it.  Just a month.  No more.  After that, it’ll sink or swim on its own.
  • CHANGED ITEM:  Alternate between writing Magi, Intertwined Lives, and editing the leytgeleshi short story collection, with the same caveats as above.  SEE ABOVE FOR WHY/HOW CHANGED
  • Write remaining leytgeleshi stories.
  • CHANGED ITEM:  Alternate between writhing Magi, Intertwined Lives, and editing the Dagger short story collection, with the same caveats as above.  SEE ABOVE FOR WHY/HOW CHANGED
  • Write remaining Dagger stories.
  • Edit remaining leytgeleshi stories.
  • Publish leytgeleshi story collection.
  • Devote a week to marketing it.  It’s going to be a free short story collection (or 99 cents, I can’t recall what we agreed on now.)  There’s no sense in devoting a lot of time to marketing it.
  • Edit remaining Dagger stories.
  • Publish Dagger story collection.
  • Devote a week to marketing it.  See above for why only a week.
  • CHANGED ITEM:  Alternate writing Magi and Intertwined Lives.  SEE ABOVE FOR WHY/HOW CHANGED

Word count for March so far:

Written: 1338/10000

Edited: 1094/10000

I’m kind of wondering if my sudden desire to write fantasy has anything to do with the amount of Torchlight and Torchlight II I’ve been playing lately . . .

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