NaNoWriMo Starts Tomorrow

Posted by Shannon Haddock on October 31, 2015 in Uncategorized |

And I’m a little sad not to be doing it.  I know I wrote a whole blogpost about why I’m not doing it, but still, I miss it.  I miss the competitiveness of it all mostly, I think.  The competition with myself mostly, the trying to beat my last five minute word war word count […]

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Progress Report

Posted by Shannon Haddock on March 29, 2015 in Writing process |

Instead of listing all my works-in-progress and getting depressed by how many I haven’t worked on in ages, this year I am instead updating how far I’ve come on the to do list I posted at the beginning of the year . . . with new items being added because I’m great at making plans, but […]

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NaNoWriMo progress and WIP update, November edition

Posted by Shannon Haddock on November 8, 2014 in NaNoWriMo, No More Lies, Writing process |

NaNoWriMo for me this year is more about developing a regular writing routine that about reaching 50k words.  That said, I’ve not been doing remarkably well at achieving either goal due to starting the month with a nasty cold that turned into a minor sinus infection.  Fuck you, germs. I’ve gotten 9885 words, a third […]

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NaNoWriMo and me

Posted by Shannon Haddock on October 15, 2014 in NaNoWriMo, Uncategorized, Writing process |

That time of year is nearly upon us again when writers all over the world abandon family, friends, pets, and good sense and attempt to commit to paper (or screen more commonly, I assume) 50,000 words in thirty days.  This will be my third NaNoWriMo. I can’t recall when I first heard of NaNoWriMo.  I […]

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Not every story needs to be a novel

Posted by Shannon Haddock on October 7, 2014 in NaNoWriMo, No More Lies, Rants, Writing process |

Today’s post starts a series that’s aimed at NaNoWriMoers, but should contain advice useful to all authors.  Non-authory content will still be posted roughly once a week though, including a new feature starting later this week! Today I’m going to talk about story length.  Now, this is a kind of odd thing for me to […]

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I’ve finished my first novel!

Posted by Shannon Haddock on July 31, 2014 in No More Lies |

Well, finished writing it.  Now it gets to sit for a month or so and then I get to tackle editing.  But, for now, I’m going to celebrate. Some stats for No More Lies: Final word count:  116,335 Date started:  The first attempt at it that was going to be a 3000ish word short story: […]



Work In Progress Meme

Posted by Shannon Haddock on April 28, 2014 in Meme, No More Lies, Writing process |

Apparently this was going around the, ahem, blogosphere a couple of years ago.  I missed out as I wasn’t keeping a blog at the time.  So I’ll do it now. If anyone cares, I shamelessly stole from three other author blogs I found fairly randomly. I have, at last count, twenty works-in-progress, but I’m only going […]

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