That’s a nice feeling
Finishing a story, that is. Well, finishing the first part of one, anyway. It was supposed to be just one novel, but given the way it’s developed, it’s going to be two or more novellas instead, because of changes in focus and tone that are necessary as it shifts from being about searching for something the bad guys took to being about liberating worlds from the bad guys.
Started July 24, 2012. Finished first draft February 27, 2013. 27,831 words. Not too bad, considering I wrote the first roughly 1,000 words in just a few hours that early morning in July and then it sat, untouched, until November, when I wrote all but the last approximately 5,000 words . . . and then I had bronchitis, and then it was Christmas, and then I had the stomach bug from Hell, and then next thing I knew, it was February and I hadn’t written anything but some vignettes and drabbles in months. It needs proofreading very badly — I shouldn’t type while sleepy, apparently — and some little scenes added, to flesh out the impact the stuff going on has in the bigger picture of the setting, but the first part of the STORY is done.
Now if I just had a title that didn’t suck. The title, “Kavaliro Cousin”, was from when I thought it was just going to be a little vignette about Lyndsey meeting a distant cousin. Little did I know when I started writing it that they were fighting against an allegiance of two of the biggest villainous groups in that quarter of the galaxy.
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