The Hardest Part of Writing A Novel . . .

Posted by Shannon Haddock on October 26, 2015 in Rants, Writing process |

. . . is coming up with fucking titles!

Synopsis of story (as planned, details will, of course, change):  Quinn is a middle-aged ladies’ man.  Renata is one of his closest friends and occasional bedmate.  He’s fallen in love with her.  Not lust, not infatuation, love.  He doesn’t want to admit this.  He feels he’s too old to settle down.  She’s a mother and grandmother of several so he’d feel like he had to be a father and grandfather to them were he involved with her.  They pretty quickly admit they care for each other as more than just friends, but stop short of admitting they’re in capital l love.

Fast forward a year and a half:  She nearly bleeds to death in his arms.  (They’re in the same private military.)  He can’t deny how he feels after coming so close to losing her.  Her family vacation, which he tags along on, takes them to his homeworld.  On the verandah of his ancestral manor, they finally agree to try being a couple.

An earlier version was called Loving Her, but it was just the second part and had another viewpoint character in addition to Quinn.  It was more a comparison of the way two men who loved Renata were dealing with her nearly dying.  It was overly angsty, so it was reworked into this.

So far I’ve got:

Quinn and Renata (probably too dull)
Quinn and Renata Love Story (the filename)
Just Friends? (sounds like a teen romance to me)
The Cost of Denial (too dramatic?)
No More Than Friends (. . . I just thought of this one.  This could work!  My other romance in this setting is called No More Lies, so there’d be that bit of similarity . . . of course, that would pretty much tie me to all Universal Nexus romances having “No More” as the first two words of the title, so maybe this isn’t such a good plan . . .)
More Than Friends (maybe?)
Only Friends (sounds dull)


The Gambler (Quinn’s former profession and current expensive hobby.  Rejected for an obvious reason.)
Loving Her (too generic; I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this on more than one book too)
About ten million other things that are, it always turns out, either the names of 90’s country love songs or Bon Jovi love songs

Suggestions?  Comments?


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