Work In Progress Meme

Posted by Shannon Haddock on April 28, 2014 in Meme, No More Lies, Writing process |

Apparently this was going around the, ahem, blogosphere a couple of years ago.  I missed out as I wasn’t keeping a blog at the time.  So I’ll do it now.

If anyone cares, I shamelessly stole from three other author blogs I found fairly randomly.

I have, at last count, twenty works-in-progress, but I’m only going to answer this for the one I’m determined to get finished by the end of this year.


What is the name of your current WIP?

No More Lies

Ready to do a cover reveal?

Just about.  Not completely sure I’ve got my name in the right color yet, but I’ve got the rest of the cover perfect.

How many words are you into it?


Goal word count by the end of the week?

90,000 sounds good.

Goal word count for the entire manuscript?

I have no freaking idea.  It was supposed to be a 3,000 word short story originally . . .

What genre does your WIP fall within?

Science fiction romance/coming-of-age story (if I can count it as that when the protagonist is twenty-four.  He’s a very immature twenty-four, for what it’s worth.  Especially for his society.)

When would you like to publish this project?

Sometime next year.

Go to page five and pick a random sentence to share with us!

“Moulei?  Well . . . it’s nice.  Very old, founded before the old Federation, or in its early days, I’m not completely sure.”

Page five is one of the weakest pages in this draft, unfortunately.

Will this WIP turn into a series?

~sigh~  I don’t really want it to.  I, as I said, have about nineteen other works in progress.  But I can’t help but feeling like it’s going to seem a bit incomplete without some sequels showing how Bobby, the main character, backslides a lot from the growing up he did in this book until it nearly costs him his family, and then how he overcomes that.

What has been the hardest challenge in working on this WIP?

There are times it’s really hard to write Bobby because he’s being such an asshole.

What has been your favorite part of working on this WIP?

Exploring the backstory of characters I’ve previously written about.  Bobby’s got a lot of history, even if hardly any of it’s published in any form yet.

Any special treat planned for when you finish the final draft of your WIP?

Two week break from writing without being wracked with guilt?

Tag two people to do this meme!

Jaye Edgecliff

Elizabeth McCoy



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