Announcing . . .
A new Universal Nexus novella by me, coming to your favorite ebookstore sometime in the next few months!
Unfortunately, I can’t put up a cover image right now because some setting or another is being stupid, and I’m too tired to try tinkering with the five million things it could be. So pretend there’s an image here above the blurb.
Jake Kavaliro was counting down the days until he could retire from commanding the entire Sweytian Space Fleet. Then during what should’ve been his last routine patrol, his ship encountered a Mugdaran ship whose commander was still fighting a war that ended decades before. In the fighting that followed, the Mugdaran ship was destroyed. The next thing Jake knew, he was headed to Mugdar to explain his actions to the Emperor in person.
This book also contains a short story about the coronation of the Mugdaran Emperor.
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