Super short story: Drunken Darts

Posted by Shannon Haddock on September 29, 2014 in Short stories |

I wrote this a couple of years ago.  Apparently it was inspired by something that happened in the rpg version of the setting.  ~shrugs~  I no longer remember the inspiration, but that’s what the email where I first sent it to a beta reader says.  Anyway, Kenshin Kenodori is a major character in my upcoming novel, No […]

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Cover Reveal!

Posted by Shannon Haddock on June 25, 2014 in No More Lies |

Here is the cover of No More Lies, in its final form! Awesome, yes?  Okay, so it doesn’t really suggest space opera, but honestly?   This is a romance and a coming-of-age story a LOT more than it’s a space opera.  The space operaness is mostly set dressing. Here’s what it’s about: Years ago, Bobby […]

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Free stories in here!!!

Posted by Shannon Haddock on April 10, 2014 in Short stories, World building stuff |

Winter Fest is a Galfarran holiday celebrating, well, winter, obviously, but it’s also a time for families and friends.  There’s feasting and partying and fairs and balls all throughout the korva (month, roughly), but the most important celebration is in the middle of the korva.  In Sweytz’s northern hemisphere, on Feino 14, known as Winter […]

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